Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Share You Feelings.

World War II

A truly world war which lasted from 1939 to 1945. The countries of the world aligned with either the Axis powers or the Allies and battled in a total war. Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and other allies defeated Germany, Italy, and Japan.

There were numerous battles in World War II. Some of these battles lasted only days while others took months or years. Some of the battles were notable for the material losses such as tanks or aircraft carriers while others were notable for the number of unarmed civilians.

On August 6, 1945, the United States used its massive, atomic weapon against Hiroshima, Japan. This atomic bomb, the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT, flattened the city, killing tens of thousands of civilians. While Japan was still trying to comprehend this devastation three days later, the United States struck again, this time, on Nagasaki.

Click the following link for the Virtual Tour of Anne Frank's Life:
Having read history of World War II, diaries of World War II affectees and visiting Anne Frank’s secret hide out, identify any two problems that civilians faced during war and suggest solutions for these problems. Word limit 80 – 100 words.